Professional Private Tutoring

in College Station, Texas!


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Some quick notes:

You DO NOT have to purchase a Discount Package – You can pay per appointment if you wish.

You DO NOT have to purchase a Membership – The Standard Membership is totally FREE!

The point of our memberships and discount packages is to save our dedicated clients as much money as possible.

If you would like to upgrade or downgrade your membership, you must log in and update your subscription in My Account


Online Scheduling

Discount Packages

300+ Courses

We answer the questions that can’t be asked in a classroom setting – Online & In-Person

STEM-Focused, Homework Help, Exam Prep, Virtual Whiteboards & Screen-sharing, and much more

We answer specific questions for individual students – no matter the complexity (or lack thereof)


You will only be working with PROFESSIONAL TUTORS.
Our interview and screening process is quite in-depth – and so is our training and certification process. Our goal is to make sure only the Best Tutors are teaching our students.

Come see us and you’ll notice the difference!


Picture of Owner: Aaron

Subjects: MATHEMATICS | ADVANCED STUDIES & SCHEDULING. (Click name for full bio)

Picture of Owner: Aaron




Online Only

About Aaron:

A Houston native, Aaron moved to College Station in 2009 to pursue a degree in Ocean Engineering at Texas A&M University. While still a student, Aaron began tutoring Calculus and Physics. He enjoyed it so much that upon graduating in 2011 he decided to open a tutoring company called Tutor Aaron. Aggieland Tutoring was born just 1 year later as the response for private tutoring grew and the need to hire more tutors became evident. Seeing this overwhelming need for private tutoring, and having experienced that very same need as a student, Aaron decided the primary focus of Aggieland Tutoring would remain on private and small group tutoring. Since discovering his passion to teach, it has been Aaron's dream to help as many students as possible with their college classes, and as his dream has grown, so has Aaron's family. With the addition of online virtual tutoring to the company in 2019, Aaron was able to move back to Houston to be closer to his family. Aaron continues to work hard to help students every day, but his role within Aggieland Tutoring is mostly managerial - though his passion for tutoring has never waned and he is always available for tutoring any student!

Courses Taught by Aaron:


Advanced Studies | Time Management

MATH 142 | Business Calculus


Advanced Studies | Time Management

MATH 1325 | Calculus for Business and Social Sciences


HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus Pre-AP

HS MATH | AP Calculus AB

Advanced Study Skills | Time Management

Study Skills for College Students

— How to Succeed in College

— How to take effective notes both in class and from your book

— How to schedule your college life

— How to get everything done and still maintain a social life!


Cypress Creek High School, Houston, TX

A.S. Mathematics & Physics, Lone Star College (2008)

B.S. Ocean Engineering, Texas A&M University, (2011)*


Tutor Aaron – Founder and Owner

Aggieland Tutoring – Founder and Owner

BCS Testing – Founder and Owner

Aggieland Testing – Founder and Owner

Before You Fail – Founder and Owner

Began tutoring Math and Physics part-time in 2007

Began Tutoring full-time in 2009

15+ years Tutoring Aggies

Over 5,500 Hours of Private Tutoring

Community Service:

Bridges International – Volunteer Staff, 2011-2013

Grace Bible Church – Volunteer, 2010-2012

Central Baptist Church – Volunteer, 2017-2018

Campus Crusade for Christ – Member, 2010-2011

Cypress Grove Intermediate School (CSISD) – PTO Member/Volunteer, 2014-2015

College Station Middle School (CSISD) – PTO Member/Volunteer, 2015-2017

Tourette Syndrome Association – Volunteer/Guest Speaker/Big Brother, 1996-2011

More About Aaron:

Aaron has a great deal of experience (and success) working with children and adults with disabilities.

Aaron’s experience lies mainly with Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety Disorders (including test anxiety), Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism, Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Tourette Syndrome.

Aaron enjoys helping people who truly want to be helped. He’s very down to earth and communicates extremely well.

Aaron has a fun sense of humor and likes to make studying as lighthearted and stress-less as possible — He’s more than willing to hit the books hard too — if that’s what it takes.

Aaron has 2 daughters, 1 son, and 1 grandson!

Outside of work, Aaron’s family is the center of his world!

Aaron’s Motto:

Do what you love & love what you do — Then every day is a vacation!

Work hard, Pray harder!


3D-Printing & Designing | Bowling | Camping | Computer Building | Crypto Mining | Fishing | Hiking | RVing | Web Design | Woodworking

Quotes of Interest:

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” —Henry Stanley Haskins

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” —Albert Einstein

Most teachers waste their time by asking questions that are intended to discover what a pupil does not know, whereas the true art of questioning is to discover what the pupil does know or is capable of knowing.” —Albert Einstein

  • Online Only
Picture of Tutor: Anish


Picture of Tutor: Anish


Online & In-Person




Online & In-Person

About Anish:

Anish holds a strong educational background with a focus in mathematics and science, which has given him a solid foundation to tutor in a variety of subjects. Anish has tutored students of various ages, ranging from middle school to college level, using personalized, student-centered approaches. His tutoring methods focus on breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts and adapting to each student's learning style. He has developed a patient, empathetic teaching approach to help students gain confidence and excel academically. Anish’s passion for education and ability to connect with students makes him an ideal tutor and a powerful addition to Aggieland Tutoring.

Courses Taught by Anish:


BICH 410 | Comprehensive Biochemistry I

BICH 411 | Comprehensive Biochemistry II

BIMS 320 | Biomedical Genetics

BIOL 111 | Introductory Biology I

BIOL 112 | Introductory Biology II

BIOL 213 | Molecular Cell Biology

BIOL 319 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 320 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II

BIOL 351 | Microbiology

CHEM 119 | Fundamentals of Chemistry I

CHEM 120 | Fundamentals of Chemistry II

CHEM 227 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 228 | Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 237 | Organic Chemistry Lab I

CHEM 238 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

MATH 142 | Business Calculus

PHYS 201 | College Physics I

VTPB 405 | Biomedical Microbiology


BIOL 1406 | Biology for Science Majors I

BIOL 1407 | Biology for Science Majors II

BIOL 2316 | Genetics

BIOL 2401 | Anatomy & Physiology I

BIOL 2402 | Anatomy & Physiology II

CHEM 1411 | General Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 | General Chemistry II

CHEM 2423 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 2425 | Organic Chemistry II

MATH 1325 | Calculus for Business

PHYS 1401 | College Physics I


B.S. Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, May 2025


Professional Tutor - Aggieland Tutoring, 2025–Present

Research - Dr. Zachary Adelman's Lab, Current

Research - Dr. John Lawler's Redox Biology and Cell Signaling Lab, Current

Research - Texas A&M Biomedical Research Certificate Program, Current

Honors and Awards:

National Merit Scholar Finalist Award

Presidential Endowed Scholarship

Dean's Honor Roll List

Meenakshi Temple Society Scholar

Community Service:

CHI St. Joseph's: Volunteer at ER Department

AMSA: Clinical and Non-Clinical Volunteer

Brazos Valley Food Bank


TAMU American Medical Student Assoc

TAMU Fish Camp - Counselor

TAMU Camp Kesem

TAMU Biomedical Sciences Assoc

TAMU Aggie Research Scholars

TAMU Sophomores Progressing in Excellence and Sustainability

STAR Youth Advisory Board

TAMU Voom Ambassadors

  • College Station
Online & In-Person
Picture of Tutor: Corban


Picture of Tutor: Corban


Online & In-Person





Online & In-Person

About Corban:

Corban is a graduate from the University of Oklahoma that is interested in presenting complicated problems in a simplified but interesting way. He wants his students to feel like they can approach him with any academic concerns they may have.

Courses Taught by Corban:


AGEC 105 | Introduction to Agricultural Economics

CHEM 106 | Molecular Science for Citizens

CHEM 119 | Fundamentals of Chemistry I

CHEM 120 | Fundamentals of Chemistry II

ECON 202 | Principles of Economics - Micro

ECON 203 | Principles of Economics - Macro

ENGL 103 | Intro to Rhetoric and Comp

ENGL 104 | Composition and Rhetoric

ENGL 206 | Twenty-first Century Literature and Culture

ENGL 210 | Technical and Business Writing

ENGL 227 | American Literature: The Beginnings to Civil War

ENGL 228 | American Literature: Civil War to Present

ENGL 231 | Survey of English Literature I

ENGL 232 | Survey of English Literature II

ENGL 306 | Transnational Literature and Culture

ENGL 314 | The English Renaissance

ENGL 316 | Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture

ENGL 318 | Utopian Literature in the English Tradition

ENGL 321 | Nineteenth-Century Literature (Romantic)

ENGL 322 | Nineteenth-Century Literature (Victorian)

ENGL 323 | The American Renaissance

ENGL 331 | Fantasy Literature

ENGL 337 | Life and Literature of the American South

ENGL 350 | Twentieth-Century Literature to World War II

ENGL 352 | Literature, World War II to Present

ENGL 365 | The Bible as Literature

ENGL 373 | American Realism and Naturalism

ENGL 375 | Nineteenth-Century American Novel

ENGL 376 | The American Novel Since 1900

ENGL 378 | The British Novel, 1870 to Present

ENGL 392 | Studies in Literature, Religion and Culture

HIST 101 | Western Civilization to 1660

HIST 102 | Western Civilization Since 1660

HIST 104 | World History Since 1500

HIST 105 | History of the United States

HIST 106 | History of the United States

HIST 214 | History of England

HIST 220 | History of Christianity: Origins to the Reformation

HIST 222 | History of Christianity, Reformation to Present

HIST 231 | The Second World War: Origins, Course, and Consequences

HIST 336 | Europe Since 1919

HIST 340 | Global Communism - Its Rise, Fall and Legacies

HIST 362 | History of Science

HIST 366 | Religion in Modern America

HIST 368 | The Birth of the Republic, 1763-1820

HIST 369 | The United States, 1820-1860

HIST 371 | America in the Gilded Age, 1877-1901

HIST 372 | Reform, War and Normalcy: The United States, 1901-1929

HIST 373 | The Great Depression and World War II

HIST 374 | The United States After World War II

HIST 405 | History of the Holocaust

INTA 201 | Introduction to International Studies

INTA 205 | Current Issues in International Studies

INTA 301 | Theories of Globalization

INTA 302 | Principles of International Affairs

INTA 330 | Governing Capitalism

INTA 401 | The City and its Global Contexts

INTA 403 | Nations and Nationalisms

INTA 409 | Culture, Neoliberalism and Globalism

INTA 415 | American Foreign Policy

INTA 452 | Intelligence and National Security

INTA 473 | Modern Chinese Political History

INTA 494 | Latin American Politics

PHIL 111 | Contemporary Moral Issues

PHIL 202 | The Human Experience

PHIL 251 | Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 307 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences

PHIL 320 | Philosophy of Mind

PHIL 331 | Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 332 | Social and Political Philosophy

PHIL 334 | Philosophy of Law

PHIL 351 | Theory of Knowledge

PHIL 361 | Metaphysics

PHIL 371 | Philosophy of Literature

PHIL 381 | Ethical Theory

PHIL 410 | Classical Philosophy

PHIL 412 | Seventeenth-Century Philosophy

PHIL 413 | Eighteenth-Century Philosophy

PHIL 414 | Nineteenth Century Philosophy

PHIL 417 | Phenomenology

PHIL 418 | Existentialism

PHIL 452 | Social Choice, Polarization and Democracy - How Should We Choose

POLS 200 | Foundations of Political Science

POLS 203 | Introduction to Political Theory

POLS 206 | American National Government

POLS 207 | State and Local Government

POLS 229 | Introduction to Comparative Politics

POLS 231 | Introduction to World Politics

POLS 302 | The Mass Media and Politics

POLS 306 | Contemporary Political Problems and Issues

POLS 309 | Polimetrics

POLS 313 | Public Opinion

POLS 316 | Urban Politics

POLS 318 | Theories of International Relations

POLS 319 | The American Presidency

POLS 327 | Congressional Politics

POLS 333 | International Cooperation

POLS 340 | Public Administration

POLS 342 | Politics and Bureaucracy

POLS 349 | Early Political Thought

POLS 350 | Modern Political Thought

POLS 352 | Empirical Democratic Theory

POLS 355 | United States Constitutional Development

POLS 359 | American Political Thought

POLS 369 | Theories of Democracy

POLS 375 | Campaigns and Elections

POLS 413 | American Foreign Policy

POLS 415 | Contemporary Issues in American Foreign Policy

POLS 423 | U.S.-Latin American Relations

POLS 429 | Issues in World Politics

POLS 454 | Contemporary Political Ideas

POLS 455 | Traditions of Political Theory


AGRI 2317 | Agriculture Economics

CHEM 1305 | Introductory Chemistry I

CHEM 1411 | General Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 | General Chemistry II

ECON 2301 | Principles of Economics - Macro

ECON 2302 | Principles of Economics - Micro

ENGL 1301 | Composition I

ENGL 1302 | Composition II

ENGL 2311 | Technical Writing

ENGL 2322 | Survey of British Literature I

ENGL 2327 | Survey of American Literature I

ENGL 2328 | Survey of American Literature II

ENGL 2332 | Survey of World Literature I

GOVT 2305 | American Government

GOVT 2306 | Texas Government

HIST 1301 | United States History I

HIST 1302 | United States History II

HIST 2311 | Western Civilization I

HIST 2312 | Western Civilization II

PHIL 1301 | Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 2306 | Introduction to Ethics


HS CHEM | Chemistry

HS CHEM | Chemistry Pre-AP

HS CHEM | Chemistry II AP

HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS ECON | Economics

HS ECON | Economics Honors

HS ECON | AP Microeconomics Honors

HS ENGL | English I

HS ENGL | English I Honors

HS ENGL | English I Pre-AP

HS ENGL | English II

HS ENGL | English II Honors

HS ENGL | English II Pre-AP

HS ENGL | English III

HS ENGL | English III Honors

HS ENGL | English III AP

HS ENGL | English IV

HS ENGL | English IV Honors

HS ENGL | English IV AP

HS ENGL | English IV Dual Enrollment/Blinn College Freshman English

HS ENGL | Reading I


B.A. Political Science, University of Oklahoma


Professional Tutor - Aggieland Tutoring, 2024–Present


Reading | Running | Videogames | Cooking | Traveling | Movies

Quotes of Interest:

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more you are a leader." — John Quincy Adams

"Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves back up" — Batman The Dark Knight

  • College Station
Online & In-Person
Picture of Tutor: Matt


Picture of Tutor: Matt


Online & In-Person



Online & In-Person

About Matt:

Matt is a Junior at Texas A&M University and is double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. He is from Austin and enjoys mountain biking, backpacking, skiing, and playing video games. Matt understands how difficult the early math and computer science classes can be for students without prior exposure to the subjects. He strives to make these classes more approachable so students can build a solid foundation for success in their current and future classes.

Courses Taught by Matt:


CSCE 110 | Programming I

CSCE 111 | Introduction to Computer Science Concepts and Programming

CSCE 120 | Program Design and Concepts

CSCE 121 | Introduction to Program Design

CSCE 221 | Data Structures and Algorithms

CSCE 222 | Discrete Structures for Computing

CSCE 314 | Programming Languages

ENGR 102 | Engineering Lab I - Computation

MATH 151 | Engineering Mathematics I

MATH 171 | Calculus I

MATH 251 | Engineering Mathematics III

MATH 300 | Foundations of Mathematics

MATH 304 | Linear Algebra

MATH 433 | Applied Algebra


MATH 2318 | Linear Algebra

MATH 2413 | Calculus I

MATH 2415 | Calculus III


HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus Pre-AP

HS MATH | AP Calculus AB

HS MATH | AP Calculus BC


B.S. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Texas A&M University, 2026


Professional Tutor – Aggieland Tutoring, 2024-Present


Mountain Biking | Backpacking | Skiing | Video Games

  • College Station
Online & In-Person
Picture of Tutor: Matthew

Subjects: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | MATHEMATICS | PHYSICS (Click name for full bio)

Picture of Tutor: Matthew


Online & In-Person



Online & In-Person

About Matthew:

Matthew is a College Station native and a recent graduate of Texas A&M University, with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics. He understands that everyone learns differently and works with students to help them understand the material in a way that makes sense for them. He believes that students are capable of learning anything given the right environment, and always strives to create a learning environment that will allow them to reach their full potential.

Courses Taught by Matthew:


ECEN 214 |Electrical Circuit Theory

ECEN 215 | Principles of Electrical Engineering

ECEN 248 | Introduction to Digital Systems Design

ECEN 314 | Signals and Systems

ECEN 325 | Electronics

ECEN 350 | Computer Architecture and Design

ENGR 102 | Engineering Lab I Computation

ENGR 216 | Physics: Mechanics Lab 2

ENGR 217 | Physics: Elec/Magn Lab 3

MATH 140 | Math for Business

MATH 142 | Business Calculus

MATH 147 | Calculus I for Biologists

MATH 150 | Functions, Trig, Linear Sys

MATH 151 | Engineering Mathematics I

MATH 152 | Engineering Mathematics II

MATH 171 | Calculus I

MATH 172 | Calculus II

MATH 251 | Engineering Mathematics III

MATH 304 | Linear Algebra

MATH 308 | Differential Equations

MATH 311 | Topics in Applied Mathematics I

MATH 414 | Fourier Series and Wavelets

PHYS 201 | College Physics I

PHYS 202 | College Physics II

PHYS 206 | Mechanics

PHYS 207 | Electricity & Magnetism

PHYS 216 | Physics: Mechanics Lab 2

PHYS 217 | Physics: Elec/Magn Lab 3


MATH 0314 | Intermediate Algebra for MATH 1414

MATH 0324 | Developmental Math for MATH 1324

MATH 0332 | Developmental Math for MATH 1332

MATH 0342 | Developmental Math for MATH 1342

MATH 1314 | College Algebra

MATH 1316 | Plane Trigonometry

MATH 1324 | Math for Business

MATH 1325 | Calculus for Business

MATH 1350 | Math for Teachers I

MATH 1351 | Math for Teachers II

MATH 1414 | College Algebra

MATH 2318 | Linear Algebra

MATH 2320 | Differential Equations

MATH 2412 | Pre-Calculus Math

MATH 2413 | Calculus I

MATH 2414 | Calculus II

MATH 2415 | Calculus III

PHYS 1401 | College Physics I

PHYS 1402 | College Physics II

PHYS 1410 | Introductory Physics

PHYS 2325 | University Physics I

PHYS 2326 | University Physics II


HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Geometry

HS MATH | Geometry Flipped

HS MATH | Geometry Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus Pre-AP

HS MATH | AP Calculus AB

HS MATH | AP Calculus BC

HS PHYS | Physics I

HS PHYS | AP Physics I

HS PHYS | AP Physics C


College Station High School, College Station, TX

B.S. Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, (2024)


Middle School Math Tutor, 1 Year

FUNgineering Afterschool Program, 2 Years

College Tutor, 3 Years

Professional Tutor – Aggieland Tutoring, 2024-Present


Music | Audio Engineering | Music Production | Guitar | Video Games | Circuit Design

  • College Station
Online & In-Person
Picture of Tutor: Nan

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY | BIOLOGY | CHEMISTRY | ENGLISH (Click name for full bio)

Picture of Tutor: Nan

Nandini (Nan)

Online & In-Person



Online & In-Person

About Nan:

Nan was born in Los Angeles, California, and moved to Houston, Texas, at the age of three! She is on the Pre-Dental Pathway, and she is a Senior Public Health major at Texas A&M University. She loves creating a comfortable environment where questions of any kind can be asked! Knowing how difficult college courses can be by first-hand experience, Nan strives to make learning a more enjoyable experience by finding tips and tricks for difficult science courses. If she can tackle these difficult courses, so can you, and she is there for you every step of the way!

Courses Taught by Nan:


BICH 410 | Comprehensive Biochemistry I

BIOL 111 | Introductory Biology I

BIOL 112 | Introductory Biology II

CHEM 107 | General Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 117 | General Chemistry for Engineers Lab

CHEM 119 | Fundamentals of Chemistry I

CHEM 120 | Fundamentals of Chemistry II

CHEM 227 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 228 | Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 237 | Organic Chemistry Lab I

CHEM 238 | Organic Chemistry Lab II

ENGL 103 | Intro to Rhetoric and Composition

ENGL 104 | Composition and Rhetoric

ENGL 210 | Technical and Business Writing


BIOL 1108 | Biology for Non-Science Majors Lab I

BIOL 1308 | Biology for Non-Science Majors I

BIOL 1406 | Biology for Science Majors I

BIOL 1407 | Biology for Science Majors II

CHEM 1305 | Introductory Chemistry I

CHEM 1409 | General Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 1411 | General Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 | General Chemistry II

CHEM 2423 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 2425 | Organic Chemistry II

ENGL 1301 | Composition I

ENGL 1302 | Composition II

ENGL 2311 | Technical Writing


HS BIOL | Biology

HS BIOL | Biology Pre-AP

HS BIOL | Biology II AP

HS BIOL | Biology II AP

HS CHEM | Chemistry

HS CHEM | Chemistry Pre-AP

HS CHEM | Chemistry II AP

HS ENGL | English I

HS ENGL | English I Honors

HS ENGL | English I Pre-AP

HS ENGL | English II

HS ENGL | English II Honors

HS ENGL | English II Pre-AP

HS ENGL | English III

HS ENGL | English III Honors

HS ENGL | English III AP

HS ENGL | English IV

HS ENGL | English IV Honors

HS ENGL | English IV AP

HS ENGL | English IV Dual Enrollment/Blinn College Freshman English

HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP


Cleveland High School, Cleveland, TX (2021)

B.S. Public Health, Texas A&M University, In Progress


Professional Tutor - Aggieland Tutoring, 2024–Present

  • College Station
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Picture of Tutor: Savannah

Subjects: COMPUTER SCIENCE | MATHEMATICS (Click name for full bio)

Picture of Tutor: Savannah


Online & In-Person


Online & In-Person

About Savannah:

Coming Soon

Courses Taught by Savannah:


CSCE 111 | Intro to Comp Sci Concepts

MATH 102 | Algebra

MATH 140 | Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences

MATH 142 | Business Calculus

MATH 147 | Calculus I for Biologists

MATH 148 | Calculus II for Biologists

MATH 150 | Functions, Trigonometry and Linear Systems

MATH 151 | Engineering Mathematics I

MATH 152 | Engineering Mathematics II

MATH 167 | Explorations in Mathematics

MATH 168 | Finite Mathematics

MATH 170 | Freshman Mathematics Lab

MATH 171 | Calculus I

MATH 172 | Calculus II

MATH 221 | Several Variable Calculus

MATH 251 | Engineering Mathematics III

MATH 253 | Engineering Mathematics III

MATH 300 | Foundations of Mathematics

MATH 302 | Discrete Mathematics

MATH 304 | Linear Algebra

MATH 308 | Differential Equations

MATH 323 | Linear Algebra

MATH 365 | Structure of Mathematics I

MATH 366 | Structure of Mathematics II

MATH 367 | Basic Concepts of Geometry

MATH 375 | Intermediate Real Analysis

MATH 376 | Intermediate Abstract Algebra

MATH 396 | Communications in Mathematics

MATH 409 | Advanced Calculus I

MATH 410 | Advanced Calculus II

MATH 411 | Mathematical Probability

MATH 415 | Modern Algebra I

MATH 423 | Linear Algebra II

MATH 433 | Applied Algebra

MATH 436 | Introduction to Topology

MATH 446 | Principles of Analysis I

MATH 446 | Principles of Analysis I

MATH 447 | Principles of Analysis II


MATH 0314 | Intermediate Algebra for MATH 1414 (NCBO)

MATH 0324 | Developmental Mathematics for MATH 1324 (NCBO)

MATH 0332 | Developmental Mathematics for MATH 1332 (NCBO)

MATH 0342 | Developmental Mathematics for MATH 1342 (NCBO)

MATH 1314 | College Algebra

MATH 1316 | Plane Trigonometry

MATH 1324 | Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences

MATH 1325 | Calculus for Business

MATH 1332 | Contemporary Math

MATH 1350 | Math for Teachers I

MATH 1351 | Math for Teachers II

MATH 1414 | College Algebra

MATH 2305 | Discrete Math

MATH 2318 | Linear Algebra

MATH 2320 | Differential Equations

MATH 2412 | Pre-Calculus Math

MATH 2413 | Calculus I

MATH 2414 | Calculus II

MATH 2415 | Calculus III


HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Geometry

HS MATH | Geometry Flipped

HS MATH | Geometry Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebraic Reasoning

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP

HS MATH | Mathematical Applications in Ag, Food and Natural Resources

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus

HS MATH | Pre-Calculus Pre-AP

HS MATH | AP Calculus AB

HS MATH | AP Calculus BC


Central High School, Pollok, TX

B.S. Mathematics, Texas A&M University, In Progress


Professional Tutor - Aggieland Tutoring, 2024–Present

  • College Station
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Picture of Tutor: Varun


Picture of Tutor: Varun


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Online & In-Person

About Varun:

Varun is a Texas native and was born in Irving, Texas. He moved to Lexington, Kentucky before relocating to Houston, Texas at the age of three! Varun is a Biomedical Sciences major at Texas A&M University and is pursuing a Pre-Medical track. As a college student who has endured these difficult college courses, Varun will make sure you learn from his mistakes and use his learning tricks to make these courses easier and more manageable. He will make you comfortable with the content and simplify any tough questions that you may have!

Courses Taught by Varun:


BIMS 320 | Biomedical Genetics

BIOL 111 | Introductory Biology I

BIOL 112 | Introductory Biology II

BIOL 319 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 320 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II

CHEM 107 | General Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 117 | General Chemistry for Engineers Lab

CHEM 119 | Fundamentals of Chemistry I

CHEM 120 | Fundamentals of Chemistry II

CHEM 227 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 228 | Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 237 | Organic Chemistry Lab I

CHEM 238 | Organic Chemistry Lab II

CHEM 257 | Organic Chemistry I - Structure and Function

CHEM 258 | Organic Chemistry II - Reactivity and Applications

VTPB 405 | Biomedical Microbiology


BIOL 1108 | Biology for Non-Science Majors Lab I

BIOL 1308 | Biology for Non-Science Majors I

BIOL 1406 | Biology for Science Majors I

BIOL 1407 | Biology for Science Majors II

BIOL 2316 | Genetics

CHEM 1305 | Introductory Chemistry I

CHEM 1409 | General Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 1411 | General Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 | General Chemistry II

CHEM 2423 | Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 2425 | Organic Chemistry II


HS BIOL | Biology

HS BIOL | Biology Pre-AP

HS BIOL | Biology AP

HS CHEM | Chemistry

HS CHEM | Chemistry Pre-AP

HS CHEM | Chemistry AP

HS MATH | Algebra I

HS MATH | Algebra I Pre-AP

HS MATH | Algebra II

HS MATH | Algebra II Pre-AP


Obra D. Tompkins High School, Katy, TX (2021)

B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, In Progress


Professional Tutor - Aggieland Tutoring, 2024–Present

  • College Station
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Our History by the Numbers

[ 5/18/2012 – 1/24/2025 ]

Doors Open: 12 years 8+ months


Students Served



34,330 Hours

of Private Tutoring

and counting…

Aggieland Tutoring specializes in Private Tutoring for college students

Private 1-on-1 Tutoring is ALL we do!

After booking a session:

You will receive a confirmation email and 

Your tutor will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your appointment. 

We look forward to helping you succeed!

Thanks & Gig’em,

♥ Aggieland Tutoring ♥

Aggieland Tutoring, LLC BBB Business Review